S. Agnese in Agone: Neues Licht in bald fertig restaurierter Krypta


In der Kirche S. Agnese in Agone an der Piazza Navona wurde neues Licht in der in Restaurierung befindlichen Krypta eingeweiht. Die Fresken der Krypta sind noch nicht fertig restauriert, aber im Mai sollen diese Arbeiten beendet werden.

L’iniziativa, lanciata il 21 gennaio e quindi a ridosso della data in cui si celebra la Santa, fa parte dell’“Agenda Cultura” l'insieme dei progetti culturali promossi e organizzati da Webuild, e segue l’iniziativa “Superbarocco”, per cui l’azienda lo scorso anno ha organizzato un concerto evento proprio nella Chiesa a Piazza Navona.

Siehe bei Webuild: https://www.webuildgroup.com/en/med...e-agone-crypt-piazza-navona-rome-shine-again/
The initiative, launched the day before January 21, the day when the Saint is celebrated, allowed to restore the Crypt's original and intimate atmosphere, respecting the story of the Saint's martyrdom, thanks to a complex light and shadow effect. The imposing, steeped in history St. Agnese in Agone Church is nestled between the halls and fornixes of Domitian's Stadium, standing on the site where, according to tradition, the 12-year-old Christian girl Agnese suffered martyrdom during the persecutions under the emperor Diocleziano in 305 AD.

Zur Krypta siehe z.B.: Sant'Agnese in Agone
The seriously damaged fresco work on the walls here was by Eugenio Cisterna, executed in 1893 after major restoration by Vici in 1885. The style is Catacomb Christian, and the themes are the Apocalypse of St John and the martyrdom of St Agnes.
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