Ausstellung: Geschichte, Gegenwart und Zukunft der Vatikanischen Bibliothek


Ab dem 10. November 2010 und bis Ende Januar 2011 ist im Braccio di Carlo Magno am Petersplatz (Braccio di Carlo Magno) eine Ausstellung aus Anlass der Wiedereröffnung der Vatikanischen Bibliothek zu sehen.
The exhibition “Conoscere la Vaticana — La Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana: una storia aperta al futuro”, curated by Barbara Jatta, will be set up in the exhibition area of the Braccio di Carlo Magno (St. Peter’s Square) and will be inaugurated on Wednesday, November 10, 2010. It will continue through to the end of January 2011. With this initiative, we wish to further the public’s acquaintance with our institution, its history and especially its activities, in the context of our current drive to tackle the tasks which lie before us.
BAV - Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana