Vatikan/Papst: Anti-Mussolini-Inschrift im Apostolischen Palast


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Wenn er dabei ein Fresko des Saals in Augenschein nimmt, das der Werkstatt Raffaels zugeschrieben wird, kann er eine ungewöhnliche Entdeckung machen: An einer schwer zugänglichen Stelle findet sich, zwischen Blattwerk versteckt, der Schriftzug „Tod Mussolini“.

Vgl.: Anti-fascist graffiti discovered in Vatican’s Apostolic Palace
According to archives at Yad Vashem, the international center for Holocaust research, “Mario Bianchi” was a pseudonym for Ulisse Finzi, an Italian Jew from the city of Milan, and the husband of Matilde Bassani, a leader in the Italian resistance movement. Prior to the adoption of the Italian racial laws in 1938, Finzi and his father had owned a fur shop in Milan with a branch in Rome.

During the period of the occupation Finzi adopted a false name and took a job working with the Valci company, suggesting it’s possible he may have been involved in the project in the Apostolic Palace and thus could have been the author of the anonymous graffiti.