Hinweis: Oxford: Last Supper in Pompeii


Für Kurzentschlossene (noch vor dem Brexit ;), oder halt danach :rolleyes:)

Ashmolean Museum Oxford: Ausstellung "Last Supper in Pompeii" bis 12. Januar 2020.

See over 400 rare objects, including fine masterpieces of Roman art which range from the luxury furnishings of Roman dining rooms to the carbonised food that was on the table when the volcano erupted. Everything from the exquisite mosaics and frescoes in the villas of the wealthy to the remains found in kitchen drains, show what the Pompeians loved to eat and drink. This remarkable exhibition provides an extraordinary insight into their everyday lives.

Vgl. Kölnische Rundschau - Essen und Trinken, Leben und Tod in Pompeji